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Lmia-Exempt Work Permit

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Lmia-Exempt Work Permit

CLOSE An LMIA-free work permit allows foreign workers to work at a particular employer for a particular role, without the need for LMIA. While foreign workers covered under the applicable FTA will generally still require a closed-liability work permit, they are exempted from LMIA requirements.

These employers may not want to go through that process, which puts foreign nationals with LMIA-exempt work permits at a significant disadvantage, even though many have potential economic opportunities in Canada. If you are on an LMIA-exempt work permit for some other reason, then you will still have to obtain LMIA from your employer in order to increase the likelihood that you will be invited to submit your application. Typically, most employers will seek a work permit on LMIA grounds only when an LMIA-exempt alternative is not available, given onerous advertising requirements and long processing times.

Closed-loop work permits allow the foreign national to work in Canada with a particular employer under specific designation, but without any LMIA. You may be able to hire an occasional foreign worker without doing a labour market impact assessment (LMIA) and also bring individuals into Canada with no work authorization, as long as they are covered by one of these exceptions. Quebec Province – Category A temporary foreign workers If a Quebec-based employer wants to hire a foreign skilled worker under a temporary work permit, it must obtain the CAQ, as well as the Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).